Selasa, 31 Juli 2012
A central bank also provides loans to its customers. But the customers are not individuals as in the case of commercial bank. The customers of central banks are governments, other commercial banks and financial institutions, A country will have one central bank. In England it is the Bank of England. In our country it is the Bank of Indonesia. The central bank often has a duty of formulating and implementing the country's monetary and credit policies, usually in co-operation with the government.
For us individuals, the commercial bank is more important because it directly provides us with services. We can enjoy the services by establishing an account at the bank. There are two kind of account. One is the savings account and the other is the current account. One advantage of having a current account is that we can pay using cheques. This means that we don't have to carry large amounts of money with us, and risk losing it.
Most banks, commercial banks, have two kinds of current accounts. One is the minimum balance account and the other is the special account. The former kind requires the customer to maintain in his account a certain amount as a minimum balance. But the bank will charge the customer a fee for each cheque he or she writes.
1. What makes a central bank and a commercial bank different?
A. It's services
B. It's interests
C. It's customers
D. It's securities
E. It's accounts
2. What account do you need if you want to do some shopping in a Supermarket
without carrying a large amount of money?
A. Credit
B. Loans
C. Deposits
D. Current account
E. Saving account
3. It seems impossible for us, individuals, to borrow money from ...
A. Commercial bank
B. Central bank
C. Private bank
D. Foreign bank
E. Financial institution
Minggu, 29 Juli 2012
When we buy canned or bottled food products at the grocer's or the supermarket, we will find out that there are some additives added to the main nutrients. An additives is a non-nutritive substance intentionally added to food generally in small quantities, to improve appearance, flavor, storage properties, etc.
Most governments issue lists of permitted additives stating the highest acceptable concentration, defining food products in which they may be used and sometimes recommending the maximum daily consumption. Such legislation is revised periodically, and product may be added to or deleted from permitted lists because of additional scientific knowledge and experience of their use.
A group of food additives includes vitamins, amino acids, and minerals which are added to foodstuffs to compensate for losses occurring during
processing or to provide additional sources in diet that might otherwise be deficient in such nutrients. Examples of their use include enrichment of margarine with the addition of vitamin A, and niacin amide to flour or bread. Salt often has a small amount of iodine to it to avoided a diet deficiency that can cause goiter development.
Appearance is an important factor in food appeal, and legislation in most countries permits the addition of both natural and synthetic coloring mater based on the coloring standards issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Flavoring materials are added to basic foodstuff to; provide a characteristic product flavor or to supplement or modify the original flavor. Most flavoring materials are still of natural origin, but progress in organic chemistry has made, it possible to analyze flavoring materials and to synthesize product similar with those found in nature.
Flavor can also be influenced by the addition of the flavor enhancer such as monosodium glutamate which intensifies perception of flavoring
1. Canned or bottled food product contain additives besides ...
A. non-nutritive substances
B. margarine with vitamins
C. storage properties
D. small quantities
E. main nutrients
2. The lists of permitted additives were issued by ...
A. grocer
B. consumer
C. legislation
D. governments
E. food producer
3. The iodine prevent us from developing ...
A. decay
B. goiter
C. vitamins
D. nutrient
E. diet deficiency
4. In line 16, the word "it" refers to ...
A. salt
B. flour
C. bread
D. margarine
E. niacin amide
5.The best title for the above text is ...
A. Food and Vitamins
B. Food and Additives
C. Food and Their use
D. Food and Nutrients
E. Food and a Diet Deficiency
6. Tinned food is very practical, but it is not as good as ... food
A. fast
B. fresh
C. bottled
D. canned
E. synthetic
7. We have known that ... food is necessary for healthy bodies and keen minds.
A. fast
B. sweet
C. canned
D. nourishing
E. starchy
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012
Forest the oldest and most diverse ecosystem, are important for their products. They also keep soil fertile, ensure the supply of constant water under the ground, regulate the climate and prevent floods.
The leaves which have fallen to the ground become some kind of substance. This substance which is called humus is a fertilizer to the soil. Humus holds rain water during the wet season, stores it and then waters the fields in the dry season.
Thus the fields can produce more crops. For years many people haven't been obeying the government's regulations and have been cutting down the trees excessively. As a result, thousands of hectares of what used to be good forest lands have become waste. These people are not aware that without forest nothing prevents the water will wash away the soil to the river. It may cause floods which will destroy the farmland and villages. For all this reason, the state Minister of Development, Supervision and Environment has consistently been trying to keep on asking our people to stop destroying the forest and conducting the campaign for forest conservation
1. The State Minister of Development Supervision and Environment of Indonesia (in 1987)is ...
A. Mr. Supardjo Rustam
B. Mr. Muchtar Kusumaatmaja
C. Mr. Harmoko
D. Mr. Emil Salim
E. Mr. BJ.Habibie
2. Forest product are ...
A. food, minerals, and fish
B. wood, food, and salt
C. food, oil, and fish
D. oil, minerals, food, and clothes
E. Rattan, rubber, log, and resin
3.... makes the soil good for plants to grow.
A. climate
B. humus
C. crop
D. mineral
E. floods
Jumat, 27 Juli 2012
When you are riding your bicycle in the street and you came to a corner, you must watch the traffic policeman carefully. He will tell you what you can and cannot do.
When he is holding up his right arm, all traffic must stop. When he is holding his right arm out to his side, the traffic which is coming from in front of him must stop. When he is raising his arm up and letting it down again, the traffic from his right side may continue again. When he is holding his hand toward you, you must stop. In these and other ways, the traffic policeman help the traffic to move quickly.
1. All the traffic must stop when the police ...
A. is holding his right arm out to his side.
B. is holding his right arm up and letting it down again.
C. is holding his hand toward us.
D. is holding up his right arm.
E. is holding his wrist watch carefully.
2. Why must we watch the traffic policeman carefully?
A. Because he is holding up his right arm.
B. Because he is raising his arm.
C. Because he will tell us what we can and can't do.
D. Because he is holding his hand toward us.
E. Because all traffic must stop immediately.
3. When a policeman is holding his hand towards you, what would you do?
A. You can go on driving.
B. You have to stop your car immediately.
C. You turn your car to the right.
D. You turn your car to the left.
E. You park your car.
4. What is the function of the traffic policeman?
A. to bring people to court.
B. to catch a thief.
C. to help you get your driving license.
D. to help drives park their cars.
E. to help the traffic quickly.
We can't imagine living without electricity. Aeroplanes wouldn't be able to take off, car engines wouldn’t run, radio and television broadcasts would stop. In other words, modern living could not go on. Besides, million of people - mechanics, factory - workers, pilots, etc would lose their job, for they can work only of electricity is available. Electricity is undoubtedly one of the most important aids to modem living.
Nowadays the government tries hard to modernize the people, not only in the cities but also in the countries. This is a good wisdom. If people in cities or towns don't get food from people in the countries they can't work well. On the other hand if people in the countries don't get supply, equipments and services from people in the cities they can't work well either.
One of the government attempts to modernize the country people is by installing the power plants to produce electricity to light country homes. By introducing electricity in the countries, in the country people can enjoy television broadcast relayed by nearby relay stations
1.Many people such as mechanics, factory workers, pilots, etc can't work in offices,
Electricity is only available in cities.
2.Electricity is one of the most important aids to modern living
Many people's daily needs especially in cities and towns are resulted from the use of electricity
3. One of government's attempts to modernize the country's life is by installing the power plants
to produce electricity
Country people do not enjoy television broadcasts.
Many Americans like to invite friends to their
homes for an informal dinner. They may serve a
simple, family-style meal. Often Americans show their
hospitality by treating the guest as "one of the family."
Americans often tell guests, "Make you at home." They
want their guests to relax and be comfortable, just as
they do in their own homes. If you are invited for
dinner, it's customary to bring a small gift such as a
bottle of wine or fresh flowers.
1. Which of the following is not suitable to complete the
sentence? In an informal dinner it is good for a guest to ...
A. behave as if he were at his own home
B. bring a present for the hostess
C. relax and be comfortable
D. arrange some flowers
E. bring some wine
2. The text discusses about ...
A. the expression, "Make yourself at home"
B. hospitality among friends in the U.S.
C. American family-style dinner
D. inviting friends for a dinner
E. informal dinner
3. Which of the following does not show the Americans
friend lines?
A. Inviting friends to their homes for dinner
B. Treating their guest as member of their family
C. Wanting their guest to relax
D. Making their guest comfortable
E. Asking their guest to bring present for them
homes for an informal dinner. They may serve a
simple, family-style meal. Often Americans show their
hospitality by treating the guest as "one of the family."
Americans often tell guests, "Make you at home." They
want their guests to relax and be comfortable, just as
they do in their own homes. If you are invited for
dinner, it's customary to bring a small gift such as a
bottle of wine or fresh flowers.
1. Which of the following is not suitable to complete the
sentence? In an informal dinner it is good for a guest to ...
A. behave as if he were at his own home
B. bring a present for the hostess
C. relax and be comfortable
D. arrange some flowers
E. bring some wine
2. The text discusses about ...
A. the expression, "Make yourself at home"
B. hospitality among friends in the U.S.
C. American family-style dinner
D. inviting friends for a dinner
E. informal dinner
3. Which of the following does not show the Americans
friend lines?
A. Inviting friends to their homes for dinner
B. Treating their guest as member of their family
C. Wanting their guest to relax
D. Making their guest comfortable
E. Asking their guest to bring present for them
Minggu, 22 Juli 2012
The Man and the Wood
A Man came into a Wood one day with an axe in his hand
and begged all the Trees to give him a small branch,
which he wanted for a particular purpose. The Trees were
good-natured and gave him one of their branches. What
did the Man do but put it into an axe head, and soon set
to work cutting down tree after tree. Then the Trees saw
how foolish they had been in giving their enemy the
means of destroying themselves.
Moral Message
Beware what you give to future enemies
1 Do you think the trees should have been suspicious
when they saw the man with only the axe head?
2 How could the trees have avoided being cut down by
the man’s axe?
Vocabulary :
1. Came into
2. cutting down
3. wanted for
4. put into
Rabu, 18 Juli 2012
Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start
With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart
She fills my heart with very special things
With angels songs , with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely
I reach for her hand-its always there
How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there
How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start
With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart
She fills my heart with very special things
With angels songs , with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely
I reach for her hand-its always there
How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there
How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there
1. The stanza one that you can see the singer says :
where do I begin and where do I start.
where do I begin and where do I start.
Does he confuse to face special friend? or ....
2. What's the mean of "Can love be measured by the hours in a day?"
3. The singer said that " I know I'll need her till stars all burn away ."
Can you explain the underlined word?
Selasa, 10 Juli 2012
وَأَوْحَى رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ (Q.S. An Nahl 16 : 68)
Dan Tuhanmu
mewahyukan kepada lebah: "Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon
kayu, dan di tempat-tempat yang dibikin manusia". (Q.S. AnNahl 16 : 68)
وَأَوْحَى رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ
ثُمَّ كُلِي مِنْ كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ فَاسْلُكِي سُبُلَ رَبِّكِ ذُلُلا يَخْرُجُ مِنْ بُطُونِهَا شَرَابٌ مُخْتَلِفٌ أَلْوَانُهُ فِيهِ شِفَاءٌ لِلنَّاسِ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَةً لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ (Q.S.An Nahl 16 : 69)
Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu ke luar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan.
(Q.S. An Nahl 16 : 69)
adalah “obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia “ sebagaimana disebutkan dalam
ayat tsb. Dari beberapa penelitian secara ilmiah madu memiliki banyak keuntungan
antara lain :
1. Mudah dicerna bahkan oleh lambung yang paling
peka meskipun kadar keasaman tinggi. Madu
membantu ginjal dan usus halus untuk bekerja
lebih baik.
2. Cepat diserap
kedalam darah; sumber energi
yang cepat. Ketika dilarutkan dalam air hangat,
madu diserap dalam darah dalam waktu tujuh menit.
3. Membantu
pembentukan darah.
4. Antioksidan ( minuman/makanan
yang kaya akan
antioksidan dapat mencegah sakit jantung dan kanker)
5. Gudang vitamin B1,B2,C, B6,
B5, dan B3.
6. Madu sebagai penyembuh luka.
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