Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012


 Once upon the time, Nasreddin was very poor. He didn't have money to buy even same fruits. He knew that his neighbor had a rich garden of the fruit trees. But the garden was surrounded by a high concrete fence.
          Nasredin climbed the fence and jumped into garden. He climbed up the most fruitful tree. He picked some fruits and put them into his bag. Suddenly someone said, “Hey, Sir ! What are doing up their? This my garden, don’t you know?”
          Nasreddin was afraid and ashamed. He answered “A big cyclone   swept me here, Sir. I don’t know what to do.” Then the man was smiling and saying, “I am sorry to hear that. But why did you pick my fruit?”. “When the cyclone swept me into the garden, I lost my balance and tried to hold something. And I could only reach the fruit” Nasredin answered. “Really?” the main said, “Then, why are they in your bag ?”
          Nasreddin answered “Well that’s what I am thinking about now. Why are they in my bag?”. “Well, ... well don’t know you why. Ha ... ha ... perhaps the cyclone blew them into your bag. Now take out and dismiss!”  said the owner of the garden. Feeling ashamed, Nasredin left the garden.

Vocabulary :
  big cyclone   : topan besar
  dismiss         : membebaskan


1. The communicative purpose of the text is ...
    a. To describe what had already happened
    b. To explain what happened to Nasreddin
    c. To entertain readers with amusing story
    d. To tell about one’s unforgettable experience
    e. To retell an informative occurrence experienced
         by Nasreddin

2. The complication of the story begins when ...
    a. Nasredin reached the fruit
    b. Nasredin climbed up the tree
    c. Nasredin felt affraid and ashamed
    d. The clyclone swept Nasreddin to the garden
    e. The owner of the garden saw Nasredin picking
        the fruit

3. Nasreddin climbed the fence ... (part 2). 
    The antonym of the underlined word is ...
    a. Attended         d.  Descended
    b. Ascended e.  Surmounted
    c. Scanned

4. The text above tell us that Nasreddin ...
     a. Didn't pick the fruit d. Has a garden
     b. Is always honest         e. Doesn’t have a bag
     c. Is a liar

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012


Imam Nawawi
 Optimalisasi setiap kesempatan
عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرْ رضي الله عَنْهُمَا قَالَ : أَخَذَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم بِمَنْكِبَيَّ
فَقَالَ : آُنْ فِي الدُّنْيَا آَأَنَّكَ غَرِيْبٌ أَوْ عَابِرُ سَبِيْلٍ . وَآاَنَ ابْنُ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا
يَقُوْلُ : إِذَا أَمْسَيْتَ فَلاَ تَنْتَظِرِ الصَّبَاحَ، وَإِذَا أَصْبَحْتَ فَلاَ تَنْتَظِرِ الْمَسَاءَ، وَخُذْ مِنْ
صِحَّتِكَ لِمَرَضِكَ، وَمِنْ حَيَاتِكَ لِمَوْتِكَ . [رواه البخ
Dari Ibnu Umar radhiallahuanhuma berkata : Rasulullah saw memegang pundak kedua
pundak saya seraya bersabda : Jadilah engkau di dunia seakan-akan orang asing atau
pengembara “, Ibnu Umar berkata : Jika kamu berada di sore hari jangan tunggu pagi hari,
dan jika kamu berada di pagi hari jangan tunggu sore hari, gunakanlah kesehatanmu untuk
(persiapan saat) sakitmu dan kehidupanmu untuk kematianmu “ (Riwayat Bukhori)
 Pelajaran :

1. Bersegera mengerjakan pekerjaan baik dan
   memperbanyak ketaatan, tidak lalai dan
   menunda-nunda karena dia tidak tahu kapan datang ajalnya.
2. Menggunakan berbagai kesempatan dan
    momentum sebelum hilangnya berlalu .
3. Zuhud di dunia berarti tidak bergantung kepadanya hingga
   mengabaikan ibadah kepada Allah ta'ala untuk kehidupan akhirat.


Imam Nawawi
عَنْ أَمِيْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ أَبِيْ حَفْصٍ عُمَرَ بْنِ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ
رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُوْلُ : إِنَّمَا اْلأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ وَإِنَّمَا لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مَا
نَوَى . فَمَنْ آَانَتْ هِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ فَهِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ، وَمَنْ آَانَتْ
هِجْرَتُهُ لِدُنْيَا يُصِيْبُهَا أَوْ امْرَأَةٍ يَنْكِحُهَا فَهِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى مَا هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِ .
Arti Hadits / : ترجمة الحديث
Dari Amirul Mu’minin, Abi Hafs Umar bin Al Khottob radiallahuanhu, dia berkata: Saya
mendengar Rasulullah ε bersabda : Sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan(1) tergantung niatnya(2). Dan sesungguhnya setiap orang (akan dibalas)berdasarkan apa yang dia
niatkan. Siapa yang hijrahnya (3) karena (ingin mendapatkan keridhaan) Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka hijrahnya kepada (keridhaan) Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan siapa yang hijrahnya karena dunia yang dikehendakinya atau karena wanita yang ingin dinikahinya maka hijrahnya (akan bernilai sebagaimana) yang dia niatkan. 
Pelajaran yang terdapat dalam Hadits:
Hadits diatas menunjukkan bahwa niat merupakan bagian dari iman karena dia
merupakan pekerjaan hati, dan iman menurut pemahaman Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah
adalah membenarkan dalam hati, diucapkan dengan lisan dan diamalkan dengan

Senin, 25 Juni 2012


Subject : A letter from someone intending
to open a bag - shop and inquiring about
the possibility of obtaining kinds of bags.


                                   Bogor, 25th June, 2012
                                      JAWA – BARAT

The Manager,
“The bag shop”,
Tajur Bogor
Jawa - Barat

Dear Mr. Toni,
          I have been seeing the kinds of bags catalogue you gave me while I was Depok and I feel that there would be considerable demand here for many of the bags on your list.
          By mid – July I shall have opened a bag –shop of my own in which I hope to sell the kinds of bags. Would you please let me know whether you would be prepared to keep me supplied with some bags produced in the early this month? I would also like to know whether lots May and June in your catalogue are still available.
          My kindest regard to your wife.

                                  Your sincerely,

                                  (Lei Lasinrang)

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012


Subject :  A letter to a hotel booking a room
for a short stay and inquiring about the cost.

                                                 Bogor, 17 th July 2012
                                                 JAWA – BARAT
The Manager
Pangranggo Hotel

Dear Sir,
       I’m writing at the suggestion of  a friend who stayed at your hotel last year and warmly recommended it to me.
        I expect to arrive in your hotel on 23rd  July and would like a single room with a private bath. I shall be staying for five days and would like to have all my meals at your hotel.
    Would you please let me know whether you have a room available and how much my stay is likely cost?
         I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                                                Yours Faithfully,

                                                 (Lei Lasinrang)

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


SUBJECT : A letter complaining about 
                   The monitor which arrived 
                    badly damaged.
Example :                         
                                      Bogor, 2nd  July, 2012
                                         JAWA – BARAT
Tomang Co, Ltd.
Electrical Supplies

Dear Sir,
      The computer No.JB/2712/ which I order from you on July 19th arrived last night.
      I’m very much regret to have to inform you that the monitor has been badly damaged. When I opened the packing case I found that the lid of the Monitor had been cracked and surface of the monitor  has been scratched.
Would you please let me know whether you would be  willing to send me new the monitor and if I should arrange  to return the damaged one to you.
    In the meantime, I shall hold on to the monitor you sent until I hear from you.

                                       Yours faithfully,

                                        (Lei Lasinrang)


Subject : A letter applying for the post of administration.
 Example :

                                         Bogor, 1 st July, 2012
                                            JAWA BARAT

Dear Sir,
     I Was interested  to read in your advertisement in the Jakarta Post 16th June, 2012.
I am Indonesia citizen, female, married and  48 years old. I have a university degree. I am now working as a English teacher at SMA  SWASTA Depok. I have been taught there  15 years. Using a computer is one of my daily activities and I can work with  Ms. Office and internet.
     I wish to apply for a post as administration and free to attend for interview on any day except Tuesdays  and  Wednesdays.
    I enclose all the documents you asked for and I would be grateful if you give me the opportunity to work with you. I look forward to hearing from you.

                                             Yours faithfully,

                                             (Lei Lasinrang)

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012


SUBJECT : A letter regretting that a friend
                    of yours cannot come with you
                    on an excursion and expressing
                    that he will be able to come
                    another time.


                                       Bogor, 14th June 2012
                                          JAWA – BARAT
Dear Mom,
         Your card arrived this morning and you can imagine how disappointed I was to hear that you have a cold. You must take rest for a day or two.
         Last night I and my friend made final arrangements for tomorrow’s excursion. We’ll be setting off very early. I promise I won’t oversleep this time! However nice the weather is, the trip won’t be the same without you.
        I hope you won’t be too miserable in bed and that you’ll be able to come with us next week as usual.

                                          Yours sincerely.
                                          (Lei Lasinrang)


Subject :Your first impression of Kebun Raya
              Bogor shortly after your arrival.
Example : 

                                   Bogor, 11st June, 2012
                                       JAWA – BARAT

Dear Mom,
          I arrived in Kebun Raya Bogor last week and your friend Tono met me at the station. I’m glad he was there because I don’t think I should ever found my hotel alone.
Although I haven’t seen much yet, I think I’m going to enjoy myself here. Last week your friend Tono and I went for a ‘short’ walk. I had never imagined Kebun Raya Bogor was quite so big. We walked for over two hours and I had to take a train to get back to the Hotel!
          I'll write again in a few days time and I’m sure I’ll have a lot tell you.

                                  Yours sincerely,

                                  (Lei Lasinrang)


 SUBJECT : A letter refusing an invitation
                    to a birthday party and giving reason.

Example :

                                       Bogor, 22nd June 2012
                                           JAWA BARAT

Dear Mom,
          Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party, but I’m afraid I shan’t be able to come.
          We have had so much to do at the office this week that my boss has asked me to work overtime for a few days. I promised I would and now there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m typing piles of letter!
I hope your party is a success and I wish you very happy.

                                        Yours sincerely,

                                        (Lei Lasinrang)

P.S. I hope you manage to blow all the candles out!



Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
        Suddenly, I'm not half to man I used to be,
        There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
       Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
       Now I need a place to hide away.
       Oh, I believe in yesterday. 

Senin, 18 Juni 2012


       Pada suatu pagi yang cerah, sekelompok ikan sedang berenang dengan riang di sebuah sungai yang tenang dan jernih.
       Ikan-ikan kecil yang baik hati tidak tahu bahwa di suatu tempat tersembunyi dalam kegelapan, seekor kepiting sedang mengamati mereka.
       Malam telah menjelang, kepiting mendekati ikan-ikan itu dan menyembunyikan diri di balik sebuah batu. Kepiting itu mengamati setiap gerakan ikan-ikan dari tempat persembunyiannya.
       Ikan-ikan kecil itu tidak menyadari bahaya yang mengancam mereka, dan terus berenang dengan gembira. Kepiting menunggu sampai ikan-ikan itu cukup dekat dan dalam satu gerakan cepat, menangkap seekor ikan kecil lalu memasukkan ke dalam mulutnya.
      “Kamu tidak boleh melakukan hal itu!” kata batu dengan marah, “kamu licik karena relah memamfaatkan aku untuk membantu membunuh ikan yang tidak bersalah!”
Kepiting mengangkat bahunya dan mengabaikan batu, dia melanjutkan “memancing”.
Suatu hari, air sungai meluap dan mengakibatkan banjir. Batu itu terlempar kedalam air. Kepiting terhantam oleh batu itu dan mati.
(L.Da Vinci)

Kisah ini memberitahu kita bahwa seseorang yang terlalu sombong untuk menanggapi nasihat orang lain, yang licik dan culas, akan berakhir seperti kepiting itu.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


Read this text carefully.      
        Once upon time a small monkey was jumping at the big tree. He found a nest of bird and felt so happy. A small monkey took the nest of bird. All birds frightened and begun to flew away to another place, excepted a youngest bird that couldn't flew away. The birds felt so very sad when they looked at it.
   A small monkey was very glad. He cached a youngest bird, nestled it his chest. He always kissed with flattery on the way when he went back his home. He didn't aware that a youngest bird was still brittle and weakly. 
     The big monkey saw a small monkey and couldn't say anything. A small monkey shout out very cheerfully. "a beautiful bird! I'm very love you! you are it's mine." a small monkey always  wipe it, and finally a youngest bird was died.

Moral message.
This story give a lesson to us that love isn't wrong. Love is amazing, but when love become an obsession, It is a dangerous. We don't  cosher to our children overabundance and must take attitude giving an educating to them.

Language Feature
Use Simple Past tense.
      1. + All birds flew away to another place.
          -  All birds didn't fly away to another place.
          ?  Did all birds fly away to another place?


If people have extra money and they don’t want to lose it or have it stolen, they can save their money in a savings bank or in post office. The Bank always encourages people to save by take care of small amounts of money. They can also invest the money in any banks to keep it safe.
A few decades ago people did not save their money in banks. They preferred to saving their money in boxes at home to saving their money in banks. Of course they would take the risk of losing the money if a thief or robber knew about their savings.
The president encouraged school students to save their money. He also emphasized the importance of saving. They should avoid spending their money foolishly. Not only the school students but also the farmers and the workers were advised not to spend their money  wastefully . They should take care of their money and property.

encourage         : menganjurkan
emphasize         : menegaskan
property            : tanah milik
wastefully         : dengan boros

 Use “should” with verb, to express advisability 
 or obligation.
  Ex : I have an exam, so I ought to study.
          I have an exam, so I should study.
          She has to study, so she ought to stay home tonight.
          She has to study, so she should stay home tonight.

1. Why do people save their money in bank or post office? 
         a. There are many advantages
         b. The president encouraged them
         c. They should take care of their money 
         d. They don’t want to lose it or have it stolen 
         e. They would take the risk of losing it

2. They should take care of their money (paragraph 3)
    The italic word refers to.....
        a. People 
        b. School students
        c. Farmers and workers 
        d. People and school students
        e. Farmers, workers, and school students

3. What does the word “it” in paragraph 1, 
     sentence 3 refer to .....
        a. Bank 
        b. Money
        c. People
        d. Post Office 
        e. Amount 

4. A few decade ago, people.....
        a. Saved their money in a bank 
        b. Didn’t save their money at all
        c. Spent their money wastefully
        d. Saved their money in boxes at home
        e. Invested their money in the post office

5. Where did people save their money long time ago?
       a. In savings boxes 
       b. In savings banks
       c. In the post office
       d. Under theur pillows
       e. In the bamboo pillars

6. He also emphasized the importance of saving (paragraph 3),
    The italic word means....
       a. Explained
       b. Stressed
       c. Described
       d. Underwent
       e. Increased

7. If school students save their money in a bank, they will get .....
        a. Interest
        b. Books
        c. Holiday
        d. Cheque books
        e. School uniforms

8. The minister said that the ... of food would be enough.
        a. Continuation 
        b. Provision
        c. Negotition
        d. Stability
        e. Creation

9. Which word has no relation with banking?
        a. Interest
        b. Loan 
        c. Credit
       d. GSM
       e. ATM

10. The ... interest of commersial banks it 15% per year.
        a. Competitive
        b. Transfer
        c. Adequate
        d. Average
        e. Asset


       Pada zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kebun yang besar dan tertata dengan baik. Banyak pohon tumbuh di kebun itu. Iklimnya bagus dan kebun itu dikelilingi oleh dinding yang tinggi.
       Suatu hari, sebatang pohon kenari  yang subur berpikir dalam hati, “Aku begitu cantik, mengapa aku harus bersembunyi dalam kebun ini? Aku seharusnya merentangkan cabang-cabangku ke luar dinding agar orang yang lewat dapat melihatku. “Sejak saat itu, pohon kenari berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk merentangkan cabang-cabangnya ke luar dinding, agar orang-orang di balik dinding dapat melihat kecantikannya.
      Musim panen tiba, dan pohon itu menghasilkan banyak kenari. Banyak orang datang untuk memetik buahnya. Orang yang tidak dapat menjangkau buah itu memilih menyodok pohon itu dengan tongkat dan melemparinya dengan batu.
     Tak lama kemudian, tidak ada kenari yang tersisa di cabang-cabang. Tidak ada lagi dedaunan yang tersisa, dan cabang-cabang itu penuh dengan luka. Pohon kenari itu menjadi gundul, sementara pohon lainnya masih rimbun dan lebat. Itu membuat pohon kenari putus asa dalam kesendirian. (L.Da vinci)

Kisah ini memberitahukan tentang nilai kesederhanaan. Orang yang sombong memiliki kecenderungan untuk memamerkan aset yang mereka miliki, dan dengan melakukannya, mereka rentan terhadap penilaian dan bahaya. Keangkuhan tidak membawa kita ke mana pun.

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Listen this song carefully and find the missing word
 (Karen  Young)

As I was slowly passing an orphan’s home one day
And  stopped there for a moment just to watch the children .....
Alone a boy was standing and when I asked him why
He turned with eyes that could not ..... and he began to cry.

I’m nobody child , I’m nobody’s child
Just like a flower I’m growing .....
No mummy’s kisses no daddy ‘s smile
No body .....  me, I’m no body’s child.

People came for children and .....  them for their own
But they all seem to pass me and I am left here all alone
I know they’d like to take me but when they see I’m .....
They always take some other child and I’m left behind.

No mummy’s arms to hold me or to soothe me when I .....
Sometimes it gets so lonely, I wish that I could die
I’d walked the ...... of heaven, where all the blind can see
And just like all the other kids, there’d be a home for me.


1.     What was the author passing one day?
a.    An orphan’s home      c.  The children was playing
b.    A blind boy                   d. growing wild               e. flower
2.    What’s the main idea of the second stanza?
a.    Alone              c. happy         e. disappointed          
b.    Sad                   d. glad
3.    What did the people do in the orphan’s home?
a.    They wanted to take the blind boy
b.    They wanted to adopt the children
c.    They just visited the children
d.    They came to make them happy
e.    They gave them some money
4.    Which of the statements is true about the blind boy?
a.    He died because of longing parents.
b.    He could see because he went to heaven.
c.    He had no mummy who liked to kiss him.
d.    He had a daddy who liked to smile.
e.    He wished he had much money.
5.    “ As I was slowly passing an orphan’s home one day”
What does the word  ‘orphan’ mean?
a.    Poor child
b.    Rich child
c.    No mother child
d.    No father child
e.    No mother and no father child

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


The Man and the Serpent
A Countryman’s son by accident trod upon a Serpent’s tail,
which turned and bit him so that he died. The father in a
rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of
its tail. So the Serpent in revenge began stinging several of
the Farmer’s cattle and caused him severe loss. Well, the
Farmer thought it best to make it up with the Serpent, and
brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said to
it: ‘Let’s forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish
my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was
right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied
why should not we be friends again?’
‘No, no,’ said the Serpent; ‘take away your gifts; you can
never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail.’

Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.


1. Why did the man bring honey and food to the snake?
2. Why did the snake refuse the food and honey from the

VOCABULARY                                       expression :
serpent  : ular                                               make up
rage       : marah , mengamuk                      take away
axe         : kampak
pursue   : mengejar
stinging : menyengat
severe loss : rugi berat
vengeance : balas dendam

ADJECTIVE CLAUSE  : (  which) function as noun modifiers. 
These clauses are placed after the noun the modify.

 Combine the following sentences as shown in the example .
 Ex : 1. Serpent's tail turned him. Serpent bit him so that he died
             Serpent’s tail,which turned and bit him so that he died.
         2. This book is interesting. This book is written English.
             This book which is written in English is interesting.
Task :
      a. These shoes lasted for a long time. These shoes are worn-out.                     
      b. This dress doesn’t look good. This dress doesn’t fit me 
      c. These sleeves have to be let down. These sleeves are to short.
      d. This  dress has to be taken up. This dress is too long.

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012


The Wolf and the Crane
A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when
suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he
could not  gorging  it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat,
and ran up and down groaning and groaning and seeking
for something to relieve the pain. He tried to induce every
one he met to remove the bone. ‘I would give anything,’ said
he, ‘if you would take it out.’ At last the Crane agreed to
try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws
as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down
the Wolf’s throat, and with its beak loosened the bone, till
at last it got it out.
‘Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?’ said
the Crane.
The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: ‘Be
content. You have put your head inside a Wolf’s mouth and
taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough
for you.’

Moral Message
Gratitude and greed go not together.

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

An apple

 "An apple a day will keep the doctor away" adalah pepatah orang Amerika yang artinya makan sebutir apel dalam sehari maka dokter tidak diperlukan lagi. Kalau kita menyimak istilah tersebut maka kita baru sadar bahwa betapa bermamfaatnya  buah apel  bagi kesehatan manusia. Menurut penelitian para ahli,  apel mengandung banyak magnesium, zat besi dan silikon. Di dalam apel juga terdapat potasium yang dapat melancarkan pencernaan, fosfor, sodium, kalsium, belerang dan klor. Apel juga mengandung vitamin A, B, C dan G. Zat asam pada apel terkenal sebagai zat pembersih tubuh serta penyembuh peradaangan pada tubuh. Mari mengkomsumsi apel setiap hari agar hidup tetap sehat. Dengan hidup sehat kita mampu beraktifitas dengan baik.